Keeping Your Child Safe Online

E-Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at Dinnington First School. We have a dual responsibility to keep the children safe and to teach them how to keep themselves safe online outside of school. 
There are important measures in place in school to help safeguard children from potential dangers and unsuitable material. Any E-Safety incidents would be recorded and investigated and appropriate advice would be sought and measures taken. 
E-Safety is taught to all children at an age appropriate level to explain how to stay safe online - we come back to this regularly to ensure that the children remember. 
We use 'Show Me 5' and the children should be able to talk about 5 ways in which they can keep themselves safe. 
As parents it is important that you talk to your children about how to stay safe online and that we all deliver a consistent message. As part of the 'Speak Out Stay Safe' Programme we deliver the NSPCC online assemblies to children and we will be delivering workshops to parents later in the year.
If you would like any support in the meantime or are at all concerned please get in touch via the school office. 
The links in this section of the website will give you further information in how to ensure your child is safe online.